“A superb, moody San Francisco band… hauntingly ethereal.” —Corbas.com
Homespun melodies fueled by evocative lyrics, wafting swells of fiddle, and a riveting rhythm section. The organic yet driving music of Frances8 appeals to a growing audience moved by intimate, honest depictions of love, loss, and everything in between. The genre-straddling acoustic/electric group is unafraid of the sparse moments that linger long enough to expose the heart and soul of the song.
We’re kind of our own thing. But streaming services and radio programmers regularly play us alongside Cowboy Junkies, Lucinda Williams, Cat Power, Mazzy Star, Iron & Wine, Neko Case, and Calexico.
Frances8 is
Nicole Laby: Singer-Songwriter and Guitar
Revi Airborne-Williams: Violin, Viola and vocals
Mark Fassett : Lead Guitar and vocals
Why the name Frances8?
If you’re wondering about the significance of the name, Frances8, here’s the story…
Singer-songwriter Nicole Laby grew up in the 70’s with the emergence of “Logan’s Run”, the dystopian film about a futuristic society, whose fear of aging resulted in government sanctioned murder of all citizens once they reached the age of 30. At birth, every child was given a first name, followed by a number, to make tracking their death dates easier.
Laby was taken by the lead female character, who defied the government to prove that aging is a good and natural phenomenon, ultimately putting an end to this irrational system.

On one bone-cold, foggy San Francisco night, she invited the band over to watch Logan’s Run. “I wanted to celebrate the film that inspired the band’s name and no one in the band had seen it before”, Laby said. Settling into the floppy futon sprawled out on the living room floor, the band waited eagerly for the name “Frances8” to materialize. “Just wait you guys”, Laby assured them, “I named us after the female lead and she’s about to deliver her grand entrance”. In walks a strong, athletic woman with short brown hair and dark, luminous eyes. She stood proudly in the center of the room, chin lifted and arms crossed. But when she was asked to recite her name, she parted her lips with a mischievous smile and boldly stated, “My name is JESSICA6”.
“What?!!!!”, the room shook with confusion, “Jessica6?!!! No way!!!!!”
Clearly, Laby’s memory was challenged by the passage of time. And so what was she to do? After a year of promoting Frances8 through media, local gigs, and a debut album scheduled to release in a few months, how could she suddenly change the band’s name to Jessica6?
Well….she didn’t.
“The hell with it! We’re sticking with Frances8!”, Laby asserted. And 27 years later, Frances8 still thrives.
With age comes many wonderful things, humility, being one of them…